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#5 Your Walk With God In The New Year

Writer: Jide Ijietemi JetsonJide Ijietemi Jetson

Dear reader,

We bless the Lord for bringing us into a brand-New Year, our Year of Breaking Limits. I believe

each one of us has tasted of the goodness and mercy of our God and a renewed covenant of love and His faithfulness to us as individuals and collectively as a Body. I want to believe God with you that this is your year to move forward in your purpose, a year to move from one level of glory into another level of glory in Jesus’ mighty Name. We give God our Father, the God of Overcomers’ DICA Malta all the glory for safe passage into a brand-New Year. Each one of us shall be a living testimony of His favour with undoubted evidences of breaking limits in every area of your life in Jesus’ Name.

What is the Holy Spirit saying to us in 2025?

As already declared to us during our cross over service that, the prophetic word for this year is

‘Breaking Limits’, therefore, the journey where all barriers and limitations around your

advancement and next level are falling off and I truly believe this is your prophetic season. So, as you go through this year, I want you to pay attention and be sensitive to the instructions of the Holy Spirit in your life. This is because no matter who you are in life, there are limits and

boundaries that wants to impact your life in one way or the other. We understand however that

some of these limitations could be self-imposed, and others could be the result of a demonic

attack or influences but as you position ourselves for what the Lord is bringing into your life, you are sure to receive the power and ability to deal with those limitations in Jesus’ Name. After our just concluded 7-Days Prayer and Fasting, here are four distinct areas for your spiritual growth to focus on:

Devotional Life:

This focus’ on life applicable topical issues aimed at empowering you with the relevant scriptural intelligence to navigate through the issues of life. If you can crush the barriers of spiritual ignorance and apply scriptural intelligence in your daily life, the devil will be placed under your feet where he rightly belongs. Make this year your season of profitable living where every barrier and limitations are broken through scriptural intelligence.

Prayer Segment:

The prayer segment contains two prayer points crafted in line with our subject matter. Our God, the God of Overcomers’ has promised to answer us on the prayer altar, He said we are to ‘call on Him and He will answer’ (Jeremiah 33.3). In Matthew 7.7-8 He also said when we ask, He will give, when we see we will find and when we knock, the door will be opened. We recognised then that our engagement on the prayer altar must align with heaven’s protocols and follow scriptural prescribed format to receive answers (Matthew 6.9-13).

Meditation Coner:

We are strongly encouraged to meditate of the Word of God, day and night (Joshua 1.8; Psalm 1.1-3; 119.97-100; I Timothy 4.15). Scriptural passages are given for our engagement in productive meditation and as you do, you will never fail in 2025 in Jesus’ Name.

Word Factor:

This is another vital key we cannot overlooked because

a) the Word bring insight and impact and b) it brings revelation.

We saw this in Luke 5.1-5 in the story of Peter who toiled and laboured with all his experiences in fishing, but all his effort was in vain. There are many believers like this, they rely on human experiences and logics in dealing with life and neglecting the Word intake. The Master came to Peter’s rescue after so much toiling that could be avoided and in verse 5 “But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless, at Your Word I will let down the net”". Notice the phrase “nevertheless at Your Word”, most believer only refer to God’s Word when they reach their point of no return instead of starting with God’s Word. But thank God for His mercy, when Peter chooses to return to the Word of God, the limitation in his life was broken and this is what I believe God wants to do in your life. The Word of God cannot be neglected, remember the statement of Mary, the mother of our Lord at the wedding in Canaan of Galilee? John 2.5 “His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it”", and as they do what His Word says, all embarrassment were turned around completely. I welcome you to your era of robust spirit, buoyant soul and subdued body. It is indeed your year of breaking limits. See you at the top!



We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God.

Desiny International Christian Assembly, Malta is a Pentecostal Church located in 251 Rue D'Argens, Gzira that offers guidance, prayers, and meetings to its congregation. Our community is built on a strong foundation of faith, love, and support. We believe in the power of worship and strive to embody the teachings of Jesus Christ in everything we do. Whether you're a long-time member or a first-time visitor, we welcome you to join us in worship and fellowship. Contact us today or visit us in person to learn more about our church and community.

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Destiny International Christian Assembly "Overcomers' Chapel", 251 Rue D'Argens Gzira, Malta

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