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Daughters of Destiny, Malta

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Overcomers' Youth

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"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

Why Christ?

Who We Are

Overcomers’ Chapel Malta is a branch of Destiny International Christian Assembly. We are a Christian-based non-profit organization that's financially supported by contributions from members and partners of the ministry.


What We Do

Through the teachings and the calling of God Overcomers’ Chapel Malta to reaching one soul at a time, helping people to fulfil their God-giving destiny and raising a standard for the people. We are dedicated to sharing God's love and the life-changing message of the Bible to our nation through TV, various media productions, moving Adverts, live conferences and this website.


Our Mission

In keeping with the mandate of the Great Commission, Overcomers’ Chapel sets forth as it's mission to serve the Lord through Worship, as we Win others by our Witness, fellowshipping in a Warm environment, resulting in a mature Christ-like Walk and serves the Whole community by providing relief of poverty, distress, sickness and other needs to individuals, institutions or organizations whether in cash or in kinds. To provide education, support, assist people in needs for a better life and to support world missions. Pastor Jide is called to share the Gospel and extend the love of Christ in this nation. To see the nation of Malta won to Jesus Christ and that the Overcomers family will be a church that raise a standard for others to follow. To preach and emphasis the life of faith, teach people the core values of practical Christian living and how to activate their faith for continuous victory (Overcomers'; Life). To see the scriptures being fulfilled in the lives of the people as evident in undeniable testimonies. We do this through teaching people how to apply biblical truth to every aspect of their lives and encourage God's people to serve the world around them.


What We Believe

The Bible is the infallible Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and contains every answer to man's problems.


1. The Bible - The sixty-six books (39 books of the Old and 27 books of the New Testaments)is the inspired Word of God and is the final authority in all matters concerning Christian conduct. II Timothy 3:16-17; Revelations 22:18-19. This Statement of Faith is intended simply as a basis of fellowship among us

1 Corinthians 1:10 and is not intended as a creed. The phraseology employed in this statement is not inspired or contended for, but the truth set for this held to be essential to a full-gospel ministry. The Scriptures, known as the Holy Bible, are verbally inspired of God and are the revelation of God to man, the infallible, authoritative rule of faith and conduct 2 Timothy 3:15-17; 1 Thessalonians 2:13; 2 Peter 1:21).


2. The Godhead

The Godhead consists of three separate, distinct and recognizable personalities, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, united in one (Matthew 3:16-17; II Corinthians 13:14). The one true God has revealed Himself as the eternally self-existent "I AM", the Creator of heaven and earth and the Redeemer of mankind


3. The Virgin birth

The virgin birth brought forth Jesus, the only begotten Son of God. He was crucified, He died, and He arose to ascend into heaven. Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18-25


4. Total Depravity

Total Depravity is the condition of all individuals since the fall and all were subject to God’s wrath and condemnation. Psalms 51: 5; Romans 3:23


5. Repentance

Repentance is the complete turning away from sins, which is required of every sinner who desires to embrace the new birth. Proverbs 28:13; Isaiah 55:7


6. Restitution

Restitution is making amends for wrongs done against others, to have a conscience void of offense towards God and man. Genesis 20:1-8; Luke 19:8-9


7. Justification

Justification is the act of God’s grace, whereby one receives forgiveness and remission of sins. Isaiah 1:18; Galatians 2:16


8. Water Baptism

Water Baptism is the act of one immersion in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost and it is essential after reconciliation with God. Mark 16:16; Matthew 3:13-17


9. The Lord's Supper

The Lord’s Supper was instituted by Jesus Christ, so that believers might partake to “shew the Lord’s death till He come”. Corinthians 11:23-30; Luke 21:17-20


10. Sanctification

Sanctification is a definite act of God’s grace, whereby a believer’s heart is purified and made holy. John 17:17; I Thessalonians 5:22-24; I Thessalonians 4:3


11. The Holy Spirit Baptism

The Holy Spirit Baptism is the endowment of God’s power and is the promise of the Father. The initial evidence of speaking in tongues accompanies this gift. I Corinthians 12:1-31; Acts 2:1-18


12. The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The gifts and the ministries of the Holy Spirit have been set by God in the Church for the edification of believers and for the work of the ministry 1 Cor.12:4-11; Ephesians 4:7-16


13. Redemption, Healing and Health

Redemption from the curse of the law, healing of sickness and diseases and continued health is available to all people through the death of Jesus Christ. Galatians 3:13; John 14:12-14; Acts 10:38; James 5:14-16; Deuteronomy 7:15


14. Personal Evangelism

Personal Evangelism is a God-given and God-ordained ministry of every believer. Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15


15. Marriage

Marriage is the perfect will and institution of God. He instituted marriage between a genetic male and genetic female as the foundation of the family, the basic structure of human society. God commands that no intimate sexual activity be engaged other than in the context of marriage between a man and a woman. Genesis 2:24 ; Mark 10:6-9 ;  Romans 1:26-29 ;  I Corinthians 6:9 ; I Thessalonians 4:1-8 ;  Hebrews 13:4


16. Rapture

Rapture is the catching away from the earth of all living saints and all who died in the Lord. The Rapture will take place before the Tribulation and it can happen at any moment. I Corinthians 15:51-58; Luke 21:33-36


17. Resurrection

Resurrection is inevitable to all who have ever lived. Some will resurrect to honour and glory and others to everlasting shame and contempt. Job 19:25-27; Daniel 12:2. The resurrection of those who have fallen asleep in Christ and their translation together with those who are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord is the imminent and blessed hope of the Church 1 Thessalonians 4:16,17; Romans 8:23; Titus 2:13; 1 Corinthians 15:51,52


18. The Great Tribulation

The Great Tribulation will occur after the Rapture. It is a time of great suffering on the earth when the Antichrist will take possession of the world for a reign of terror. Mark 13:19; Matthew 24:21-22


19. The Second Coming Of Christ

The Second Coming of Christ will be as literal and visible as His going away. He will descend to execute judgement upon the ungodly. Matthew 25:31-46; II Thessalonians 1:7-10


20. The Millennial Reign

The Millennial Reign is 1,000 years literal of Jesus on the earth. At this time, He will judge the nations that dwell on earth. Jude 14, 15; Revelations 20:4-6


21. A New Heaven And Earth

A New Heaven and Earth will be made by God and there deemed shall dwell with God forever. Revelations 21:1-7; Isaiah 51:6


22. The Great White Throne Judgement

The Great White Throne Judgement is God’s final judgement of all the living and the dead. All souls will stand before their maker to give account of their lives. Romans 2:15-16; Revelations 20:11-15


23. Hell Fire

Hell Fire is a place of everlasting punishment reserved for Satan, his angels and all individuals whose names are not found in the Book of Life. Luke 12:4-5; Revelations 14:10-11


Our Commitment to Israel - We believe in the promise of Genesis 12:3 regarding the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. We believe that this is an eternal covenant between God and the seed of Abraham to which God is faithful.


Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.    Acts 2:38


Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.    John 3:5


We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God.

Desiny International Christian Assembly, Malta is a Pentecostal Church located in 251 Rue D'Argens, Gzira that offers guidance, prayers, and meetings to its congregation. Our community is built on a strong foundation of faith, love, and support. We believe in the power of worship and strive to embody the teachings of Jesus Christ in everything we do. Whether you're a long-time member or a first-time visitor, we welcome you to join us in worship and fellowship. Contact us today or visit us in person to learn more about our church and community.

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Destiny International Christian Assembly "Overcomers' Chapel", 251 Rue D'Argens Gzira, Malta

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