Overcomers’ Chapel (DICA Malta) is under the leadership of Pastor Jide Ijietemi Jetson, with excellence, striving to meet the ever-growing needs of the church and its attendant ministries. The church of Jesus Christ has moved forward beginning from Acts of the Apostle and down through the centuries. God selected a person to be the leader and gives the leader others (Deacons) to serve as support to the leader and as fellow servants to the congregation. Deacons have a crucial role in the life and the health of the local church, the biblical role of deacons is to take care of the physical and logistical needs of the church so that the pastor can concentrate on his primary calling 'Word, Prayer & Vision'. This distinction is based on the pattern found In Acts 6:1-6. The apostles were devoted “to prayer and the ministry of the Word” (v.4). Since this was their primary calling, seven other men were chosen from the congregation to “serve the church ”in the more practical and temporal matters allowing the apostles the freedom to continue with their spiritual work for the kingdom.
I Timothy 3:8-13
A person’s life and character must pass certain criteria before qualifying to serve.
1. The Deacon must be chosen from “among you” (Acts 6:3), a lay member of the local congregation for at least 1 year.
2. The Deacon must have a good reputation and be “of honest report” (Acts 6:3, KJV). The confidence and trust of the congregation and community are essential.
3. The Deacon is in a spiritual ministry, “full spirit”(Acts 6:3), according to Acts 2:4, and continuing to be “filled” (Ephesians 5:18).
4. The Deacon must make a decision in practical and temporal matters and give full support to the pastor in spiritual issues, so sound direction and wise counsel need “wisdom” (Acts 6:3).
5. The Deacon must be willing to be involved in the work of God at all times through the church; the Deacon is to“serve”(Acts 6:2, KJV).
6. The Deacon is to be “sincere” (1 Timothy 3:8), i.e., steadfast and serious.
7. The Deacon is “not double-tongued” (1 Timothy 3:8, KJV), i.e., must be as good as one’s word, dependable.
8. The Deacon is “not indulging in drinking alcohol” (1 Timothy 3:8), but is temperate, not depending on any physical stimulants.
9. The Deacon is“ not pursuing dishonest gain”(1 Timothy 3:8), but faithful with the tithe, generous, and not motivated by money.
10. The Deacon is proper in doctrine, keeping “hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience ”(1 Timothy 3:9), fully subscribing to the tenets of faith and the vision of Overcomers’ Chapel.
a) The Deacon is a mature believer but must be proven (1 Timothy 3:10, KJV).
b) The deacon has not experienced matrimonial mix-ups but is in a faithful, monogamous marriage (1 Timothy 3:12).
12. Deacons, if married, must lead their homes in Christ (1 Timothy 3:12).
13. Spouses of Deacons (or deaconesses)must be an example of the Christian life, “not malicious talkers bottom perate and trustworthy in everything” (1 Timothy 3:11).
14. At the discretion of the local congregation, a male meeting other stated qualifications may be selected to serve as a Deaconess.
1. Regularly pray and fast for the church, its members, the growth, and the Pastor.
2. The Deacon must be committed to the vision of the church and loyal to Pastor Jide and his/her Deacon ministry.
3. The Deacon is the Pastor’s helper, and the prayer partner, a loyal supporter of the Pastor, assisting in fulfilling the vision and goals God has given the Pastor for the church .4.The Deacon shall act in an advisory capacity with the Pastor in all matters of the church in its spiritual life and the administration of the ordinances.
5. He shall act in the examination of applicants for membership and also in the administration of church discipline.
6. At the discretion of the Pastor, a Deacon may be assigned portfolios of responsibility in the functioning of the local church.
7. The deacon could be responsible for managing the church property. This would include making sure the place of worship is prepared for the worship service, cleaning up, or running the sound system.
8. Similar to what took place in Acts 6:1-6 with the daily distribution to the widows, the Deacons may be involved in administrating and other assistance to the needy in the church.
9. The Deacon will handle the day-to-day physical matters in the church. This may include organizing the collection and counting the offerings, keeping records, and so on.
10. The deacon could be responsible for distributing bulletins, seating the congregation, or preparing the elements for communion.
11. Deacons should be available to help in a variety of ways so that the Pastor is able to concentrate on teaching and shepherding the church.
12. Dedicated to his/her assignments with at least 80% participation.
13. Committed to Church service at least 3 times a week (i.e. Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday).
14. Being accountable for every word and action.
15. Be a role model in how we serve in everything we do.
16. Improving the ministry by improving ourselves.